What is Sapta Dhatu theory?
According to Ayurveda , the human body is primarily made up of Saptadhatus. “Saptadhatus” is a Sanskrit word, which means seven constituent elements [Sapta=seven, dhatus=tissues]. These seven dhatus are responsible for the entire structure of the body.
What is Tridosha theory in Ayurveda?
It has been said that the tridosha theory in Ayurveda originated from the theory of the three elements of the universe. The names of these three doshas, which are roughly equivalent to humour, are vata (wind), pitta (bile), and Kapha (phlegm), corresponding to the three elements of the universe: air, fire, and water.
What are the theories underlying Ayurveda?
According to Ayurvedic theory, everyone is made of a combination of five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and space. These elements combine in the body to form three energies or life forces, called doshas: vata, kapha, and pitta.
What are the 5 elements of Ayurvedic medicine?
Ayurveda focuses on bringing the five elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth) into balance, both internally and externally, to bring about greater health.
What do you mean by Meda in yoga?
Meda Dhatu refers to the fatty tissues of the body, in addition to their waste products, such as sebum (skin oil) and sweat. These tissues are found in the buttocks, abdomen, omentum and bone, and are associated with cholesterol and adipose tissue.
What are the seven tissues in Ayurveda?
The seven dhatus are the seven tissues of the body. In English they are plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow / nerve, and reproductive tissue. In Sanskrit, they are rasa, rakta, mamsa, medas, asthi, majja, and shukra respectively.
Why are there only 3 doshas?
The Tridosha Theory When the five eternal substances – space, air, fire, water and earth combine to form the human body, they do so by creating three vital energies, or doshas.
Is pitta and bile same?
Bile Formation and Secretion The Sanskrit word pitta means “bile.”2 A product of the liver, bile is an alkaline fluid that helps emulsify fats for proper digestion.
What is pitta Kapha and vata?
Vata is constituted by space and air, which is the energy of movement; fire and water constitute pitta, the principle of digestion and metabolism; and water and earth make up kapha, the dosha of structure and lubrication.
Which of the following is elements of Sapta Dhatu seven basic tissues?
In common terms, the seven types of Dhatus are plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluid. In Ayurveda, they are called Sapta Dhatus – Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja and Sukhra respectively.
What is element of pitta in body?
Pitta: Pitta is the fire element. It is responsible for regulating the body temperature through the chemical transformation of food (governing digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition and metabolism), promoting vitality and appetite.
What is mamsa and medas?
Let’s look at Mamsa (muscle) and Meda (adipose/ fatty tissue). Mamsa dhatu is the first solid dhatu in the Saptadhatus utpathi (7 dhatu development). Mamsa is primarily made of earth element and secondarily water and fire. The mamsa dhatu/ muscle tissue is produced by rakta dhatu.