What is ENAP in periodontics?
ENAP is an abbreviation of the term ‘excisional new attachment procedure’. This therapy was first introduced as a procedure to form a new attachment. In ENAP, the pocket, junctional epithelium and the inflamed connective tissue under the epithelium are removed with a surgical knife instead of a curette.
What is excisional new attachment procedure?
excisional new attachment procedure (ENAP) A surgical procedure, first described by R. A. Yukna in 1976, in which the sulcular and junctional epithelium is resected. The aim of the procedure is to remove the diseased tissue and allow healing of the dentogingival and periodontal attachments…. …
What type of laser is LANAP?
The LANAP uses a YAG (yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser. The term “laser” itself stands for “light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation,” but people may be surprised to know that treatment plans differ based on the wavelength of the laser.
What is LANAP laser gum surgery?
In LANAP laser gum therapy, no scalpels or sutures are used. A laser fiber is placed between the teeth and gums into the periodontal pocket. The LANAP laser then selectively removes diseased tissue lining the gums in the pocket and kills the bacteria as well. The roots are then cleaned using an ultrasonic devise.
What is a Suprabony pocket?
Next>> This pocket is common in dogs and cats. The periodontal tissues migrate apically and probing will reveal an increase in depth from the normal anatomical sulcus. The entire pocket is coronal to the alveolar crestal bone and within soft tissue.
What is GTR in periodontics?
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is a technique currently used in dentistry for periodontal surgery, oral surgery, implant dentistry and reconstruction of maxillomandibular defects. The basic premise for this technique is to allow for osseous regeneration prior to soft tissue migration into the area of interest.
What is modified Widman flap?
Actually, the modified Widman flap surgery may be considered a modification of subgingival curettage with the raising of flaps, assuring better access to the root surfaces and a better control of removal of the pocket lining with a lesser mechanical trauma to the gingival tissues than during curettage.
Can LANAP save loose teeth?
Q: Can laser gum surgery really stop tooth loss? A: Human histological studies and thousands of satisfied patients prove that LANAP® treatment stimulates new bone in the jaw to help prevent tooth loss. Even teeth that are loose can be saved in some cases.
When can I brush my teeth after LANAP?
Try to keep your mouth as clean as possible in order to help the healing process. You may brush and floss in areas of your mouth that we DID NOT do surgery. DO NOT BRUSH AND FLOSS THE SURGICAL AREA FOR 2 WEEKS AFTER THE LAST SURGICAL VISIT! Only RINSE!
Will LANAP save my teeth?
Saves loose teeth: With LANAP, patients can save their natural teeth, especially if they have loosened due to periodontal disease and cannot be saved through conventional treatments.
Do gums grow back after LANAP?
LANAP surgery stands for Laser-assisted New Attachment Procedure. It treats periodontitis by actually regenerating tissue. Yes, you heard right. The gums will actually grow back with this procedure.
What is the difference between LANAP and ENAP for chronic periodontitis?
The remarkable difference between the two procedures in improving periodontal variables is attributable to the benefits from the use of LANAP in addition to the tradi-tional procedures of SRP in the compared to ENAP for the treatment of chronic periodontitis. They are: • Bactericidal effect; • Curettage effect; • Biostimulating effect.
What does ENAP stand for?
Yet, another innovative causal therapy is represented by the irradiation of periodontal pockets with diode laser and excisional new attachment procedure (ENAP) as an adjunct to SRP in the treatment of chronic periodontitis.
How many patients with moderate chronic periodontitis were selected for ther-APY?
A total of 10 patients with generalized moderate chronic periodontitis were selected. Following phase 1 ther-apy, pockets in one sextant were subjected randomly to ENAP and another was subjected to irradiation by diode laser.
What is the prevalence of chronic periodontitis in the US?
Background:About 47% of adult population above 30 years suf-fers from chronic periodontitis. Scaling and root planning (SRP) is crucial because it is causal, non-surgical therapy to control bacterial infection, and it always represents the first phase of periodontal treatment.