What is the name of the primary regulations that related to electrical installations in Ireland?
Ireland’s new National Rules for Electrical Installations (previously referred to as the National Wiring Rules) have been published by the NSAI. The document is the first major revision to the standard in over 10 years and is based on internationally agreed standards for safety of electrical installations.
What are the current electrical regulations UK?
BS 7671 is the 18th edition and the current standard used in the UK. It came into effect from 1st January 2019 and is the national standard used for electrical installation and wiring safety across domestic, commercial, and industrial properties.
Do all circuits have to be RCD protected?
Separate RCD protection is not necessarily required for each circuit of an installation but, in order to minimize the likelihood and consequences of tripping, a single (‘front end’) RCD should not be used to protect all the circuits.
Do lights need RCD protection?
Agreed, RCDs are now required on domestic lighting circuits, if the circuit is modified (replacing the lights, which are fixed equipment counts as that) then it must be brought up to spec.
Are the wiring regulations law?
Surprisingly, perhaps, Part P does not alter the status of the Wiring Regulations. They are still non-statutory, and there is still no legal requirement to adhere to them in domestic installations.
What are the 18th edition wiring regulations?
The 18th Edition of the New Wiring Regulations, also known as BS 7671, was issued by the IET on 1st July 2018. There is a six month transition period before the new requirements come into effect on 1st January 2019. However, installations may be designed in accordance with the ‘new version’ before that date.
What’s new in 18th Edition wiring regulations?
Currently, regulation states that only wiring systems located in fire escape routes must be supported against premature collapse in the event of fire. This will now apply throughout the entire installation, and wiring systems in all locations will need to have metallic clip supports.
Which circuits should not be RCD protected?
For new installations and rewires, all socket-outlets with a rated current not exceeding 32A need to have additional protection by RCD, except where other than for an installation in a dwelling, a documented risk assessment determines that the RCD protection is not necessary.