What age is best for operation of cleft lip and cleft palate?
Palate repair surgery is usually done when your baby is 6 to 12 months old. The gap in the roof of the mouth is closed and the muscles and the lining of the palate are rearranged.
What is cleft lip and cleft palate surgery?
Cleft lip and palate repair surgically corrects abnormal development, restoring function to the lips and mouth and producing a more normal appearance.
What surgeries is performed first to treat cleft palates and cleft lips?
A plastic surgeon will repair the baby’s cleft lip first, usually when the baby is about 3 months old. This is done with a surgery called cheiloplasty (KY-lo-plass-tee). It’s done in the hospital while the baby is under general anesthesia.
How long does it take to recover from cleft lip and palate surgery?
It usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks for the incision to heal. Your child may need to wear padded arm splints for 1 to 2 weeks after surgery to prevent rubbing the surgery area.
Is cleft surgery painful?
Some pain is normal after palate repair. Your surgeon and medical team will work together to achieve the best pain control possible, but your child may still experience discomfort.
How many surgeries does it take to fix a cleft palate?
At the minimum, one surgery is needed to repair the lip and a separate surgery is needed to repair the palate. However, several surgeries are needed to make the lip appear as normal as possible. And sometimes additional surgeries involving the palate are needed to improve speech.
What percent of babies with cleft lip and palate will need a 2nd surgery?
About 30-40 percent of children with a cleft palate need further surgeries to help improve their speech. Speech is usually assessed between ages 4 and 5.
Can cleft lip scar be removed?
Cleft Lip Scar Revision surgery involves surgical excision of the existing scar in an effort to improve its appearance. Technical areas of the Cleft Lip Revision include adjusting the rotation advancement, enhancing the Upper lip line (“M” design/or called Cupid’s bow), and addressing any imbalances in size and shape.
How are cleft palates repaired?
The only way to repair a cleft palate is by surgery. The goal is to close the opening in the roof of the child’s mouth. Your child will be in the operating room for only a few hours. The hospital stay is usually 1 to 3 days.
Do all cleft palates need surgery?
A submucous cleft only needs to be repaired if speech and language are affected. Approximately 50% of children with a submucous cleft palate will require surgery to repair it. The other half will not need any surgery.
What happens after cleft lip surgery?
After surgery for cleft lip: Your child may be irritable and feel mild pain. Your child may have to wear padded restraints on his elbows to prevent rubbing at the surgery site. Swelling, bruising and blood around stitch sites are normal. Stitches dissolve or will be removed in five to seven days.
How long does a cleft surgery take?
It usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks for the incision to heal. The incision will leave a pink or red scar. You can expect the scar to feel hard and tight at first. The scar should fade and become softer and flatter in the months and years after surgery.