What is D star reflector?
A D-STAR reflector is a computer connected to the internet that runs special software. The nice thing about reflectors is that lots of repeaters can be connected to one reflector.
Can Dstar talk to DMR?
XLX reflectors can speak REF, XRF, DCS, which are specific to D-Star, and used to interconnect reflectors together. XLX reflectors can be reached via DMR, Fusion, and P25 with full audio transcoding. Interconnecting all these modes helps fragmented communities with members using various digital modes to stay in touch.
What is Xlx DMR?
XLX DMR. DMR is a new capability of XLX. Each XLX Version 2 can provide up to 26 channels, reachable as D-STAR modules (A-Z) and 26 DMR Talk Groups (4001-4026). Module A correspond to 4001, B to 4002, etc. Currently, any module can be accessed via D-STAR or DMR.
What mode is D-STAR?
In order to send and receive greater volumes of data and large files, D-STAR has the “DD Mode” or Digital Data Mode. The DD mode is only supported on the 1.2 GHz amateur band and is capable of sending a receiving data at a 128kbps rate.
Does Yaesu make a DMR radio?
Over the past two years, there has been an explosion of interest in DMR amateur radio.
How are XlX reflectors built?
Most are built using the XLX software code. The original, pre XLX reflectors, X Reflectors. History explained HERE. The First multi protocol reflector with transcoding ability and giving admins complete control over the reflector.
What is the history of the X reflector?
The original, pre XLX reflectors, X Reflectors. History explained HERE. The First multi protocol reflector with transcoding ability and giving admins complete control over the reflector. Since the dawn of D-Star, there have been a few reflectors and networks built to support this digital mode.
What are the best reflectors for digital constellation?
Hub reflector of the Kings of Digital Constellation. Enhanced X Reflector. Dxrfd 4.0. Hosted by FREE STAR in Ontario, Canada. Hosted by K6KD in the US.
What makes XlX different from other D-STAR reflectors?
New D-Star users can simply link and start talking. XLX sets itself apart from the other reflectors in the D-Star world because its a ‘multi-mode reflector’ meaning, it has the ability of allowing any of the D-Star linking protocols (DPLUS, DCS, D-Extra, etc) to connect to it. Also as of January 2020, XLX supports System Fusion natively.